Chia (XCH) traded up 16.1% against the US dollar during the 24-hour period ending at 20:00 PM Eastern on December 5th. One Chia coin can now be purchased for approximately $31.65 or 0.00071943 BTC on major exchanges. Chia has a total market cap of $292.33 million and approximately $31.66 million worth of Chia was traded […]
At London Zoo, Guy the gorilla, Jumbo the elephant and Winnie the bear - who was the inspiration for AA Milne s Winnie the Pooh - drew thousands of visitors during the 20th century. Above: Winnie.
Chia Chia and Ching Ching arrived in September 1974 to great fanfare, after a deal struck by Edward Heath with China s Chairman Mao. Above: Mr Heath pays the pair a visit.