The BJP s Chhattisgarh meeting on Sunday with 54 MLAs aims to select the next chief minister, ending speculation. Party observers will attend, alongside leaders like Om Mathur, hinting at a potential tribal or OBC choice. Mathur foresees a Congress defeat in 2024 elections amid BJP s recent state victory.
Komal Manjhi is the third BJP worker to be killed by Maoists in Narayanpur district for alleged links to the mining business. He was returning home from a temple when he was murdered, officials said.
India News: As the Congress bit the dust in the recently concluded Assembly polls in Chhattisgarh, losing power to the BJP, former party MLA Brihaspati Singh on
India News: A key meeting of the BJP's newly-elected 54 MLAs in Chhattisgarh to pick the legislative party leader will be held here on Sunday which is likely to