A replica of the steamship, The Far West, on display at The Museum of the Upper Missouri, Fort Benton, MT
During the early and mid-1800s, steamboats cruised up the Missouri, into the Yellowstone, Big Horn, Tongue River and the northern Powder River. Steamboats brought supplies to the army that wa
Memorial Day has been celebrated in the United States since 1868, although not officially. It started out as a way to honor those who died during the Civil War.
In a Cheyenne Weekly Leader, June 3, 1876: Memorial Day, May 30, 1911, is rendered notable in that this year marks the fiftieth anniver
Frank and Jesse in Montana, display at The Museum of the Upper Missouri, Fort Benton, Montana,
Frank James died on Feb. 18, 1915. In the Cokeville Register newspaper on March 13, 1915, there appeared this small, almost insignificant article. On Feb. 25 The death of Frank James recalls an int
The Fetterman Monument
The Fetterman Fight was one of the bloodiest battles waged between the Native American's and the US Army in Wyoming. It happened 155 years ago on Dec. 21, and it happened near Story.
Red Cloud's War was a conflict between an alliance of the Lakota, Northern Cheyenne, the
A composite photo showing a re-creation of Fort Reno on the site. Diorama at the Hoofprints of the Past Museum in Kaycee.
In 1865, General Patrick Conner commanded the Powder River Expedition, with the intent of finding a place to construct a fort on the Powder River in Dakota Territory to prote