Adams Regional Emergency Medical Services Tuesday recognized 19 providers for multiple clinical saves throughout the year, according to an AREMS release.
you don t have to be an amputee to be wounded. there is a psychological cost to this war that is no less debilitating. i couldn t pick up a weapon without thinking about shooting myself or somebody else, when i first got back. it was like this switch flipped inside me, and i was just like, okay, what. why can t i function right now? narrator: tonight on frontline, stories from the soldier s heart. i ve talked to soldiers that say, i d much rather be an amputee than to be psychologically injured. at least when you looked at me, you could see what my problem was. we never knew how deep the despair can be. we never knew how tormented he was. i remember being in northern kuwait, southern iraq. i remember moving up to the border. i remember how flat it was. and i remember my company commander over the radio, saying, you know, welcome to iraq, gentlemen. enjoy your stay. and you know, here we are. and it s like, wow, we re. we just invaded another country, yo