it is becoming well known to be the replacement for people who love soda. i m going to one-up you. i love my probiotic drink. i put it out here. this is actually mine. this is my favorite probiotic drink. you can get it with probiotics with sparkly and fizzy. candy versus fruit strips. people can make it at home by juicing fruit or pure pureeing their fruit, putting it into the oven or dehydrator. you get these beautiful fruit straps here. to make them more like candy, if you want like the squishy, chewy candy, you can fold them or even roll them into balls. now you have a big square gummi bear. when you put this in the oven it should not be over 115 degrees. that s the envelope. pushing the envelope towards the edge of raw. over 115 degrees it kills the enzymes but it denatures the vitamins and minerals, makes it harder to absorb. yes so keep it under. dehydrate for four to five hours. perfect. cookies. what do you have in place of cookies? okay.
the replacement for people who love soda. i m going to one-up you. i love my probiotic drink. i put it out here. this is mine. my favorite probiotic cringe. again, you get your pry biotics. candy versus pruitt straps. pruitt and people can make it at home by juicing fruit or pure aing their fruit. putting it into the oven or dehydrator. you get these beautiful fruit straps here. to make them more like candy, if you want like the squishy, chewy candy, you can fold them or even roll them into balls. now you have like a big bumy bear. when you put this in the oven it should not be over 115 degrees. that s the envelope. pushing the envelope towards the edge of raw. over 115 it kills the vitamins and makes the minerals harder to absorb. keep interest under. dehydrate for four to five hours. perfect. cookies. cookies. in place of cookies.