Three Curious Weather Phenomena of Oregon Coast: Manzanita, Cape Blanco, Headland Hats - Some rather astounding atmospheric elements in the world of science
Humbug Mountain and State Park on South Oregon Coast: Varied, Intricate Attractions - A treasure trove of wilderness, trails, and cloistered beaches near Port Orford
Riverside Fire
What started out as a small fire near the Riverside Campground suddenly turned into a large blaze along the Clackamas River of Sept. 8, 2020. Fifteen campgrounds, five trailheads, and nearly 33 miles of trail were damaged or destroyed during the fire. according to USDA. The fire mostly impacted the Mt. Hood National Forest.
When: 2020
Acres burned: 138,054
Archie Creek Fire
The Archie Creek Fire burned east of Roseburg in the North Umpqua corridor on state, private and federal land, according to InciWeb. The cause of the fire is still under investigation, but it was largely fueled by a combination of high winds, hot temperatures, and dry timber and grass/scrub. The fire was part of Oregon s historic Labor Day fires in 2020.