About the price of the cartels have at the border. The horrifying and appalling impact that has two innocent people on both sides of the border. One of the things that i think was really important to illuminate in chapter one of the book, of what i call the caravan cartel, is that the drug cartels couldnt do it alone. I think what is shocking to people has brought that you have explicit criminal conspirators out there that are making these billions of dollars in profits and endangering lives and really, wreaking violence and have a on innocent families and children. Let the fact that you have minted benevolent charities and religious organizations that may think that there doing good deeds and of course we all know about the kind of roads that good intentions take. The religious organizations on both sides of the border that are doing service and enabling the drug cartels to make as much cash as they do. We have seen the illegal aliens caravans come across from Central America assignme