It tells us a lot about who we are, and what we can and will be. The details of innocence lost to greed, corruption, and lust to power. The author shows the ability of to beack community capable of destruction. Barnes tells the story i am really sorry, i had not planned on that. Before we begin, i would like to say a few personal things about harper. 1977, when we moved to this location from the loop, harper wrote an article in the post about us for the sunday paper. At midnight saturday night, we waited anxiously for the paper to be delivered. What a thrill. Harper was the first journalist to recognize us and it was the most welcome and truly appreciated article that has ever been written about us. Novel, he gavet us a galley. Which i still have. Harper blue monday, Harper Barnes publication, 1991. And then he did a book siding a book signing when the book finally came out on monday and he inscribed it to us. I just want to read it. ,t says to Left Bank Books my old friends. I cannot