Built with the help of more than 50 donors and sponsors, this Shaker Heights home (22469 Fairmount Blvd.) was the prize in the 2022 St. Jude Dream Home Giveaway, raising $2 million in raffle tickets to support the research hospital's mission to provide free care to children with cancer and serious health issues. Keystate Homes led the effort to bring the first in-fill St. Jude's home to Cleveland with the custom-built effort.
Brookline broadcasts an ethos of inclusivity, but it has become a preserve for the privileged. This is no accident, but the fruit of decades of exclusionary actions. Now facing a state mandate to allow more multifamily housing, Brookline faces a choice: What kind of town does it want to be?
SCOTTSDALE, AZ - The national finalists for the official Best Places to Work Multifamily® will be honored during the upcoming Multifamily Innovation® Summit on December 5-6, 2023 in Phoenix, Arizona.
At the Summit, each company will learn how they ranked nationally amongst the other participants and will be recognized on stage for their incredible achievement.
68 of the finalists are Multifamily Management/Owners. 26 of those finalists were ranked in the 1- 4,999 units category. 31.