Writing in a conversational and colloquial style, he offered practical advice on how to cut down on mistakes, the most difficult part of the game to master.
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Herman Grooten is an International Master, a renowned trainer and the author of several highly acclaimed books about chess training and chess strategy. In the 127th instalment of his ChessBase show "Understanding before Moving", Herman continues his series "Chess history in a nutshell". | Photo: Pascal Simon
In the Endgame Magic Show #218 Karsten Müller and Dutch IM and popular author Herman Grooten talk about the endgame in general and Herman's new book "Chess Endgames for Club Players" in particular. | You can watch the Endgame Magic Show on-demand with a <a href="https://shop.chessbase.com/en/products/chessbase account premium year abo">ChessBase Premium account</a>.