Puneet Bhargava, close to Prem Prakash, has mentioned in the sale deed that he bought the Cheshire Home Road land for Rs 1.87 crore. But, in the | BLiTZ
The Enforcement Directorate (ED) has arrested Rajesh Rai and Bharat Prasad on Monday night after questioning them in connection with the purchase and sale | BLiTZ
The ED had sent summons to businessman Vishnu Aggarwal to appear on June 21 in connection with the purchase and sale of land by forging documents. He has | BLiTZ
The then Deputy Commissioner of Ranchi, Chhavi Ranjan used to get two to two and a half lakh rupees every month from the illegal earnings in Badgain zone. | BLiTZ
The ED has issued summons to businessman Vishnu Agarwal in connection with the probe into the sale and purchase of Cheshire Home Road land. ED has | BLiTZ