Maryland State Board of Elections Chair William Voelp promised to limit retiring elections director Linda Lamone’s involvement in the search for a successor.
The Prevention of Cat Declawing bill - or HB 22 - passed the Maryland s house today with 112 votes in favour, and only 25 opposed. It has already passed the state s senate.
It’s been more than six months since Sen. Cheryl C. Kagan (D-Montgomery) raised a red flag over a lack of 911 fee audits from the Maryland Comptroller’s office but she says she’s yet to receive any data.
The House Health and Government Operations Committee voted in favor of a bill from Speaker Pro Tem Sheree Sample-Hughes (D-Lower Shore) that would remove Maryland, My Maryland as an official state symbol.
The vote, taken during a virtual meeting on Monday afternoon, was along party lines, with the committee s seven Republicans voting against the repeal.
The nine-verse song, which was written as a poem during the Civil War by James Ryder Randall, a Baltimore native and Confederate sympathizer living in Louisiana, has enjoyed its status as a state symbol since 1939. Typically unsung verses of the song refer to Northern scum and to President Abraham Lincoln as a despot and tyrant, though any public performances of the song have fallen out of favor in the last several years.
February 18, 2021
Some lawmakers are confronting the climate crisis by targeting school buildings, one of the largest energy consumers in local jurisdictions.
There are already three net-zero school buildings in Maryland: Wild Lake Middle School in Howard County, which was completed in 2017, and Graceland Park/O Donnell Heights Middle School and Holabird Academy in Baltimore City, which opened this school year.
House Bill 630, introduced by Del. Jared Solomon (D-Montgomery), would require local school systems to update their energy policies and encourage, rather than mandate, them to use more renewable energy in an effort to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
Subscribe Our school systems tend to be really the largest users of energy in any county government or any public facility within our state, Solomon told the House Appropriations Committee on Wednesday.