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Being a scientific genius of impressive humility, I don’t like to brag about my countless brilliant inventions. Not once did I brag about my Anti-Snore Sleep System – a large pillow designed to elevate the snorer’s head and support the loose vibrational throat tissue, while an even larger pillow is held firmly over the face of the snorer until they have stopped snoring and/or thrashing.
Never did I brag about my Tomato-Sauce Clot-Clearer®: a patented device that fits onto the top of squirty tomato sauce bottles and clears out dried-up sauce-clots, forever putting an end to one of the scourges of humankind – Sunday Barbecue Side-Squirting Sauce-Crotch.
One of the best bits of travel was always the food. Or, more specifically, the junk food – the brightly coloured boxes of Pocky in a Japanese 7-Eleven, the rows of uncharted chip flavours in a foreign supermarket. It’s a delight Australians are unlikely to get to experience in 2021. But in one corner of the internet, hungry citizens are keeping the joy of international snacks alive – border closures be damned. On r/SnackExchange, Reddit users.