In this week’s round up brought to us by, Script’s Editor Sadie Dean interviews Dickinson creator/showrunner/EP Alena Smith, learn how to divide and conquer as screenwriter in the business and creating fruitful relationships. Plus, a brand new "Script Talk" video interview with writer/director/actress Djaka Souaré about her journey as a mentor and mentee in the WOCUnite and #StartWith8Hollywood mentorship programs.
Matt Bors to interview him about his now-in-the-past editorial cartooning career and what he plans for the future.
I was motivated from the beginning to say something political about what was going on originally, that was the Iraq war, and that turned into other things over the years. I had grown tired of it at various points in time, because following the news and social media constantly can be pretty draining. But I was pretty successful and fairly good at it, so it became automatic for me to do it every week.
I had a lot more clients back in the day, too. A lot more papers ran me in the early 2000s, and it’s been kind of a steady decline. In the last 10 years, I’ve probably had more success in my career in a way certainly more visibility online and all that but fewer paying outlets where my stuff was running.