APN's mission is to educate and persuade the American public and its leadership to support and adopt policies that will lead to comprehensive, durable, Israeli-Palestinian and Israeli-Arab peace, based on a two-state solution, guaranteeing both peoples security, and consistent with U.S. national interests.
<p>For Republicans, the problem is about "self-censorship" in a climate supposedly hostile to conservatives. For Democrats, its about the power of state legislation to ban topics and ideas from research and discussion. </p>
(CNSNews.com) When federal Judge Kyle Duncan attempted to speak at a Federalist Society-sponsored event at Stanford Law School on Mar. 9, he was ambushed and mocked and smeared by "woke" law school students and even the associate dean for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.
The shout-down of a Trump-appointed federal judge as he was set to deliver a lecture at Stanford Law School has raised fresh concerns about the caliber of lawyers graduating from