When it comes to money matters, what you don’t know can hurt you. With retirement and re employment ages for Singapore workers raised to 63 and 68 respectively come July 1, we can’t help but ask ourselves: How much harder or longer do we want to go on for? If you, like us, fantasise about spending our silver years pursuing.
When it comes to money matters, what you don’t know can hurt you. With retirement and re employment ages for Singapore workers raised to 63 and 68 respectively come July 1, we can’t help but ask ourselves: How much harder or longer do we want to go on for? If you, like us, fantasise about spending our silver years pursuing.
The road to overspending is paved with good intentions – you set yourself a monthly budget, and dutifully hold back on that shopping spree or pricy cocktail. Yet somehow, at the end of the month, you find that you’ve overshot your budget yet again. Sounds familiar? Getting a good grasp on our moolah calls for tracking our spending carefully throughout.