EVANS CITY Halloween came just a few days early to Main Street, where youngsters and adults alike came dressed for the annual Halloween parade.
According to Cheri Deener, president of the Evans City.
Jackson Township officials want to continue discussions with Evans City officials about the township's proposal for providing police services to the borough.
However, a borough official said talks are.
EVANS CITY Borough council OK’d an amendment to its police services charter agreement with the borough of Seven Fields in an attempt to accelerate the dissolution of the Evans City-Seven Fields Regi.
EVANS CITY A planned agreement for Jackson Township to provide police services for Evans City has been delayed due to particulars over the transaction, as of this month’s Evans City borough council .
Seven Fields has outlined “unfortunate obstacles” to the dissolution of the Evans City-Seven Fields Regional Police Department.
“Our efforts toward securing cooperation to contract for uncovered patro.