I wondered if New England would repeat its earlier, and unique, stairstep pattern; now it has. Hospitalization is discretionary; they may also be reducing their admissions rate relative to cases we cannot see in this data! to preserve future capacity; or because hospitals have figured out how to send people home.
“But what is government itself, but the greatest of all reflections on human nature?” –James Madison, Federalist 51
“They had one weapon left and both knew it: treachery.” –Frank Herbert, Dune “They had learned nothing, and forgotten nothing.” –Charles Maurice de Talleyrand-Périgord
Capitol Seizure
Better than Obama:
Biden: A lot of folks are losing hope … So I m going to act and I m going to act fast. I would like to be doing it with the support of Republicans … but they re just not willing to go as far as we have to go. pic.twitter.com/b1XSW5BgJU
The ancient south Indian port has become a case study in what can go wrong when factors like industrialization, urbanization and extreme weather converge and a booming metropolis paves over its flood plain to satisfy demand for new homes, factories and offices.
How one of the world’s wettest major cities ran out of water Sorry, but your browser needs Javascript to use this site. If you re not sure how to activate it, please refer to this site: https://www.enable-javascript.com/
Residents fill pots from a water truck on July 4, 2019, when Chennai became one of the first major cities in the world to run dry. | BLOOMBERG
Bloomberg Feb 4, 2021
Climate change is bringing rising sea levels and increased flooding to some cities around the world and drought and water shortages to others. For the 11 million inhabitants of Chennai, it’s both.
India’s sixth-largest city gets an average of about 1,400 millimeters (55 inches) of rainfall a year, more than twice the amount that falls on London and almost four times the level of Los Angeles. Yet in 2019, it hit the headlines for being one of the first major cities in the world to run out of water trucking in 10 million liters a day to hydrate its population. This year, it ha
Climate change is bringing rising sea levels and increased flooding to some cities around the world and drought and water shortages to others. For the 11 million inhabitants of Chennai, it’s both. India’s sixth-largest city gets an average of about 1,400mm (55 inches) of rainfall a year, more than twice the amount that falls on London and almost four times the level of Los Angeles. Yet in 2019 it hit the headlines for being one of the first major cities in the world to run out of water trucking in 10 million liters a day to hydrate its population. This year, it had the wettest January in decades.
How Chennai, Among World s Wettest Cities, Ran Out of Water How Chennai, Among World s Wettest Cities, Ran Out of Water India s sixth-largest city gets an average of about 1,400mm (55 inches) of rainfall a year, more than twice the amount that falls on London and almost four times the level of Los Angeles.
Updated: February 04, 2021 10:02 am IST
Residents fill pots on July 4, 2019, when Chennai became one of first major cities in world to run dry.
Climate change is bringing rising sea levels and increased flooding to some cities around the world and drought and water shortages to others. For the 11 million inhabitants of Chennai, it s both.