At a meeting of the Chemung County Legislature more than 30 people showed up to voice opposition to a new "sticker shop" on the corner of South Main Street & Pennsylvania Avenue. The location is across the street from the Chemung County Family Fitness Center, which provides services for hundreds of seniors and kids. The County's Department of Social Services is on that same block.
Elmira is known as the Soaring Capital of America. Now, it could also be known for being at the center of the electric aviation revolution. The Chemung County Legislature's Aviation Committee approved an agreement to allow new charging stations for electric planes to be plugged into the NYSEG power grid at the Elmira Corning Regional Airport. The 'charging cubes' are being installed by BETA Technologies, an aerospace company based in Vermont that was founded in 2017. The project is a partnership with Atlantic Aviation, a company that specializes in aircraft ground support.
DISCLAIMER: The opinions and views expressed in “Political Pundit Night” belong to the individual speaking and are not those of, Nexstar Broadcasting, Inc.,, this station, or their affiliates or employees. Dr. Coleman’s Thirty-First Political Pundit Night will take place on Thursday, March 23rd, 2023. The event will be live-streamed from seven to nine, exclusively in this story on […]