up to philadelphia to see melania trump in the suburbs. hillary clinton in vegas, tempe, arizona. donald trump showed you him in miami. two other stops in florida. surrogates are out everywhere, too. look at the map. the president s in north carolina, bill clinton s out, chelsea s out, mike pence out and some of the trump children out. they don t make the graphic. didn t get the trump children on there they re out as well. does team clinton having so many a-list surrogates, no offense to the trump team but he doesn t have the senators and the president going around. does that help? yes. i think it helps. it helps with enthusiasm. they are basically putting these surrogates close to early voting places. they re putting them on college campuses. you saw michelle obama out in north carolina with hillary clinton at wake forest. also near historically black colleges as well. it matters. it matters in terms of enthusiasm, in terms of reaching