well. chef david gaus, appreciate everything you re doing there and thank you for taking the time to join us today. appreciate it, krerica, than you. we are waiting for president biden to speak any moment on this latest jobs report. unemployment down to 3.6%. the jobs rate hitting a pandemic low this morning. we ll take you live to the white house next. his future became my focus. lavender baths calmed him. so we made a plan to tururn bath time into a business. find a northwestern mutual advisor at nm.com bath f fitter doesn t just fit your bath. we fit your life. when you re tired of looking at your tired old bath, we fit your style, with hundreds of design options. en a normal day is anything but normal, we fit youschedule, with our unique tub over tub process, installed in alittle as a day. when high quality is t only quality that matters, we fit your standards, with a lifetime guarantee. bath fitter. it just fits.