Madhya Pradesh chief wildlife warden J S Chauhan confirmed that the state made multiple requests to the NTCA in the last couple of months for shifting cheetahs.
by ankita gargamid the orders of arranging additional space for african cheetahs in neighbouring states of madhya pradesh, state forest department is leaving no stone unturned to prepare gandhi sagar wildlife sanctuary in mandsaur and na
With Sasha, Uday and Daksha dead, a shadow has been cast on the cheetah reintroduction project. As for India’s original cheetah citizens, they exist only in paintings and court lore
staff reporterbhopal, in an another jolt to cheetah project, female ‘daksha’ brought from south africa has been killed by another cheetah in a fight at kuno national park on tuesday. this is the third cheetah died in kun