shopping center. this is the fourth german city to ban new migrant entry. rob: interesting situation in germany with merkel and all that. all right, fox business alert, grab your milk and go, amazon s new store opening today with no money and no lines. carley: that sounds interesting. tracee carrasco from sister network fox business here with how the checkout convenience store works. tracee: good morning, guys, amazon changing the way people shop. this is a new store upping opening up in seattle. you download the app amazon go, scan, walk whatever you want, shop, there s no checkout line, no cashiers and the app keeps track of what you are buying, there s sensors and cameras everywhere that will track what you buy. this is open today, maybe we will get one here in new york city very soon. rob: i would imagine we would. not the last time but a couple flights ago i was on one and i heard a dog bark and then