i got t rapid sympmpm relief w with rin. and leftft bathrom ururgency behihi. check. and leftft bathrom ururgency behihi. when uc gogot in my waway, i got laststing, steroid-d-free remisission with rininvoq. chcheck. and whwhen my gaststro saw dama, rinvoq h helped visisibly rerepair the c colon linini. check. rinvoq h helped visisibly rerepair the c colon linini. rapid sysymptom relilief. lalasting, steteroid-freee reremission. rapid sysymptom relilief. and a a chance to o visibly repair t the colon l lining. rapid sysymptom relilief. check.k. check. anand check. rinvoqoq can lowerer your abily to f fight infecections, includining tb. serious ininfections and blood d clots, somome fa; cancncers, incluluding lympha and d skin cancecer; dedeath, heartrt attack, s st, cancncers, incluluding lympha and d skin cancecer; and tears s in the stotomah or i intestines s occurr. peopople 50 and d older h at leastst 1 heart d diseae and tears s in the stotomah or i intestines s occurr. risksk fac
welcome toto fun dinining. when m moderate toto seve ulcerativeve colitis keepeps flaring,g, puput it in chcheck with r ri, keepeps flaring,g, a once-d-daily pill.l. when uc gogot unpredictatable, i gogot rapid sysympm reliefef with rinvnv. and leleft bathroom urgency bebeh. i gogot rapid sysympm reliefef with rinvnv. check.k. when uc c got in my y way, i got lalasting, steroioid-free rememission when uc c got in my y way, with r rinvoq. when uc c got in my y way, check. when uc c got in my y way, and d when my gagastro saw d da, when uc c got in my y way, rinvoqoq helped vivisibly repair thehe colon linining. check. rinvoqoq helped vivisibly repair thehe colon linining. rapid d symptom rerelief. rinvoqoq helped vivisibly repair thehe colon linining. lasting, s steroid-freree remission.n. and d a chance t to visiblyy repairir the colonon lining. lasting, s steroid-freree remission.n. chececk. check. and check.k. rinvnvoq can lowower your ababy toto fight infnfections, includuding tb. s
y all on this journey with me. a wonderful recovery. damar hamlin has been out of hospital since january 11th and doctors say he s making remarkable progress. that wraps up this hour of cnn newsroom. i m lynda kinkade. i ll be back with much more cnn newsroom after a short break. stay with us. you re watching cnn. when moderate to severe ulcerative colitis persists. put it in check with rinvoq, a once-daily pill. when uc got unpredictable,. i got rapid symptom rerelief with rinvoq. check.k. when uc heheld me back. i got lasting, steroid-freee remission with rinvoq. check. and when uc got the upper hand. rinvoq helped visibly repair the colon lining. check. rapid symptom relief. lasting, steroid-free remission. and a chance to visibly repair the colon lining. check. check. and check. rinvoq can lower your ability to fight infections,
and evevery plan o offered is comomprehensiveve, coveriring preventntive care, dodoctor visitits, ememergency cacare, and momo. regardlessss of your i in, check k today ememergency cacare, and momo. toto see how c covered calalifa can n help you.. and ifif you have e question, ththere s s free assisistane every y step of ththe way. and ifif you have e question, covevered califofornia, this w way to healalth insuran. enrorollment endnds january y . covevered califofornia, this w way to healalth insuran. gogo to covereredca.com. covevered califofornia, this w way to healalth insuran. with alcohol related deaths rising, should labels on bottles say more about consuming what is inside? more on our series, drinking in america. i have not been the drinker i was in high school. reporter: that s what stephanie says she had her first sip of alcohol but nowadays my husband and i have wine on weekends and that s it. reporter: the change not just because of adulthood, but at 47 years