Health by Sue Dunlevy
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Exclusive: Australian researchers have turned a cheap 100 year blood thinning drug into a nasal spray that could block COVID-19, stop it spreading and treat the illness. The team of Melbourne scientists, which includes Victoria s chief health officer Brett Sutton, is seeking funding to test the product, containing the blood thinning medication heparin, on people in hotel quarantine - to see if it works. It comes as human trials begin to gauge whether AstraZeneca s COVID-19 injection also works as a nasal spray. Australia s leading science research body, the CSIRO, had tested the vaccine as a nasal spray in ferrets - ahead of the human trials - and was waiting for the publication of promising results showing its impact on stopping infection spread.
Health by Sue Dunlevy
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Exclusive: Australian researchers have turned a cheap 100 year blood thinning drug into a nasal spray that could block COVID-19, stop it spreading and treat the illness. The team of Melbourne scientists, which includes Victoria s chief health officer Brett Sutton, is seeking funding to test the product, containing the blood thinning medication heparin, on people in hotel quarantine - to see if it works. It comes as human trials begin to gauge whether AstraZeneca s COVID-19 injection also works as a nasal spray. Australia s leading science research body, the CSIRO, had tested the vaccine as a nasal spray in ferrets - ahead of the human trials - and was waiting for the publication of promising results showing its impact on stopping infection spread.
Health by Sue Dunlevy
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Exclusive: Australian researchers have turned a cheap 100 year blood thinning drug into a nasal spray that could block COVID-19, stop it spreading and treat the illness. The team of Melbourne scientists, which includes Victoria s chief health officer Brett Sutton, is seeking funding to test the product, containing the blood thinning medication heparin, on people in hotel quarantine - to see if it works. It comes as human trials begin to gauge whether AstraZeneca s COVID-19 injection also works as a nasal spray. Australia s leading science research body, the CSIRO, had tested the vaccine as a nasal spray in ferrets - ahead of the human trials - and was waiting for the publication of promising results showing its impact on stopping infection spread.