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Officials from the Departments of Land Management, Urban Planning, Construction and Cadastral Affairs of Tbong Khmum and Svay Rieng provinces have begun to prepare over 300 plots of social land concessions for members of the police and armed forces stationed along the Cambodia-Vietnam border, and several impoverished families in the area.
Officials from the Departments of Land Management, Urban Planning, Construction and Cadastral Affairs of Tbong Khmum and Svay Rieng provinces have begun to prepare over 300 plots of social land concessions for members of the police and armed forces stationed along the Cambodia-Vietnam border
In the five-year period from 2018 to early 2023, more than 130,000 plots of land were registered for the people of Kampong Speu, with the provincial administration pledging its commitment to accelerating this work and finishing it in the near future.
In the five-year period from 2018 to early 2023, more than 130,000 plots of land were registered for the people of Kampong Speu, with the provincial administration pledging its commitment to accelerating this work and finishing it in the near future.