Beating the odds of low survival rate, a slew of celebrities have miraculously survived crazy near-death experiences that could have taken a turn for the worse.
recognised that the travel declaration that he submitted was in fact false, even though he blamed a support team member. the fact that when he was diagnosed with covid i9 he still went out in belgrade, attended events and, of course, did that media interview, where he was 100% certain he had covid but still went ahead with the interview. i think that s where, if you look at the statement from the immigration minister, there is the concern about novak djokovic and public health and thus why the decision was reached today. the feeling around novak djokovic ever since he got that exemption late last week, there were some hesitancy from victorians about him being let in. now that hesitancy has gone up exponentially and i think there is a lot of relief in victoria that, as it stands right now, he s not playing in the australian open. abul rizvi is the former deputy secretary for the australian department of immigration. he worked with the australian government when both major parties were