Friday, 12 March 2021, 2:57 pm | Auckland Arts Festival Auckland Arts Festival/Te Ahurei Toi o Tāmaki (AAF) welcomes the government decision
this morning that Tāmaki Makaurau would return to Covid Alert Level 1 at midday
today (Friday 12 March). It has been a rollercoaster of a fortnight, following the . More
Wednesday, 10 March 2021, 11:19 am | Auckland Arts Festival When lockdown nixed a premiere at Auckland Arts Festival last week, another act
stepped in to ensure the show can still go on. Originally scheduled to premiere on
Thursday 4 March, the Auckland season of The Griegol will now run 16-21 March 2021 . More
Thursday, 4 March 2021, 11:11 am | Auckland Arts Festival
Simon Wilson: The amazing return of the Auckland Arts Festival
25 Feb, 2021 04:00 PM
7 minutes to read
What an astonishing thing, that we are about to welcome the return of the Auckland Arts Festival. Covid struck right in the middle of the 2020 festival, cancelling shows, stranding performers, forcing audiences home. Most famously, American singer Amanda Palmer had to cancel, and then holed up for the duration in Hawke s Bay with her daughter and her husband, writer Neil Gaiman. Until Gaiman couldn t cope any longer and found a way to flee to Scotland.
It was dramatic, in its own way, but it wasn t the same as having an actual arts festival.
Superyacht supper: Huhu grubs and goat s testicles on regatta menu
22 Feb, 2021 04:00 PM
4 minutes to read
The 85-metre explorer superyacht Bold is due in Auckland this week. Photo/supplied
Jane Phare is a senior business reporter for the New Zealand
Huhu grubs, goats testicles, fish eye balls and kina – the Royal New Zealand Yacht Squadron really knows how to throw a party for visiting superyachts and their crew. The RNZYS, celebrating its 150th anniversary and hosting the America s Cup, has dreamed up a cross between The Amazing Race and Fear Factor as part of the four-day Mastercard Superyacht Regatta which starts on Wednesday.
Taonga: For Che-Fu, recording with hip-hop superstars Wu-Tang Clan was pure gold
19 Feb, 2021 05:00 PM
3 minutes to read
Musician Che-Fu features on this Wu Tang album. Photo / Dean Purcell
In 2001, Auckland hip-hop artist Che-Fu got a call from one of the biggest names in the business. I have a lot of keepsakes that are more personal, but this is significant to me because of the unbelievability of being on a record with Wu-Tang Clan. I m still a bit humbled by it all.
Careful (Click, Click) Brown Panthers Mix was released in 2001 on 12-inch, and there are probably only about 20 copies in New Zealand. It s a little token that symbolises the work I was doing in this art form of hip-hop music at a time when it was still trying to break here. I felt vindicated getting the nod from the big homies.
And if the new owner wants to live in it ….
aj …
Essentially over the past 20yrs we ve actually had to put money
into the business to keep it afloat, and our tenants in their homes. We re now in the position of having shitloads of equity, but
crap cash flow, and because I m close to retiring that isn t something I can sustain anymore.
The trouble with this is that I ve heard this description from not only landlords but farmers as well, except farmers don t like to flaunt their equity in public.
The total values of assets that can be realised is the figure that most people will focus on. If you have $10M in equity but moan your a e off about pitiful cashflow, then you generally won t get a lot of sympathy.