Afternoon. Organizing across the boundaries, strategies and coalitions in the struggle for the civil rights and social justice. Before we get started i just wanted to explain a little bit about the genesis of this panel or this how it came about like a lot of great ideas, i came across this book doing a search in the catalog. And this is many months ago we were kind of thinking about what do we want to do. There are so many books that come out on if Civil Rights Movement every year. We thought lets focus on some that are kind of different and interesting that kind of change how we think about the movement, kind of up in our understanding of it. Hen we came across this one. It has a great cover art. We loved how she was looking at these groups in an area we dont often think about and how these two groups came together in their struggles. So dr. Rice is going to be our first speaker. She earned her ph. D. From berkeley. Shes now a professor in ohio. Shes taught there since 2007. This is
The symposium to Mark National heritage month. Its about half an hour. Good afternoon, and welcome back. This is our next panel in the afternoon session of this symposium organizing across the boundaries, strategies and coalitions and the struggle for the civil rights and social justice. Before we get started, i just wanted to explain a little bit about the genesis of this panel or whole symposium and how it came about. Like a lot of great ideas that come about the library, came across this book just doing a search in the catalog, and this is many months ago. We were kind of thinking about what do we want to do for this Public Program series, and theres so many books that come out on the Civil Rights Movement every year. We thought, well, lets focus on some that are kind of different and interesting that kind of change how we think about the movement, kind of upend our understanding of it, and so when we came across this one by lorne ariza we got excited, not just because it had such g
Father buy a tv. Because tvs was not a come thing in households at that time. So in order to keep one the struggle in our home state in alabama my mother made my dad buy a tv and every day watch Walter Cronkite report what was going on in the south. And my mother used to get so emotional. So mad. Because she seen bull conners. Racist police. Our people being hosed down and dogs being sicked on them just for trying to vote or attend a rally. My mother used to get so emotional. Back in those days, later on i had nine other brothers and sisters but at the time i was the only child. And she would look at me and say boy dont you ever let nobody do that kind of stuff to you. So she just instilled that in to me. I went on with my life. And in my junior year, i was coming back from a track meet. I was on the track team for lemore high school in san joaquin valley. I used to fight every day in junior high school. And he was my physical education teacher. And he would see me fighting every day b
Polemic or a rant about if i was running the country what i would do. Thats like more vanity than this book wanted to be. What i do illustrate is several critical alternatives for both National Security and medical services which are two drivers of the federal budget going forward. I think we need to have this public debate about what the role of the United States is going to be over the next 20 years and whatever that mission is we have to adjust our military logic to that mission and we have to pay for it with taxes and right now too often you have people who want to lower taxes and to raise military spending and those two goals are in conflict. We ought to decide what our role in the world should be and the same thing we had to do with medical services because we cant just deferred this debate and pretend its free. Every time we borrow then we narrow the choices for people that are your age. We have five minutes . Or are we cut off . Im afraid the imperatives of our filming this eve
Miriam pawel 11 is the former pulitzer prizewinning editor who has spent 25 years working at a news they and the Los Angeles Times. Her book the crusades of cesar chavez is the First Comprehensive biography of the iconic charismatic leader. She has also written the union of their dreams, a widely acclaimed and nuanced history of the united farm workers movement. She recently received a National Endowment for the humanity fellowship to support her work on the chavez biography. Please welcome miriam pawel. [applause] can you hear me . Okay. I want to ask you something i feel is really important. What brought you through the writing about cesar chavez. A lot of people in texas know who he is but then i was very surprised to learn that recently when the mexican filmmaker diego will do not was having the premier of his film on chavez, he took a walk, a stroll down cesar chavez boulevard, and asked if they knew who cesar chavez was. Most of them said they felt he was the boxer, the mexican b