Mark Geise
Since October of 2020, I have been communicating with the public through this article on the first weekend of every month about all of the great things going on throughout Chautauqua County as they relate to economic development. These commentaries may include discussions about specific projects of public interest that are underway or have been completed, where they are at, and if completed, how they are performing. They may also include discussions about initiatives being undertaken at various agencies or at the County level, including, but not limited to, the County of Chautauqua Industrial Development Agency, the Chautauqua Region Economic Development Corporation, the Chautauqua County Partnership for Economic Growth, the Chautauqua County Department of Planning & Development, the Chautauqua County Land Bank Corporation, the Workforce Development Board, the Chautauqua County Visitors Bureau, educational institutions, foundations, or at any one of the many agencies whos
Steelhead Streams in Western New York
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DEC Region 9 offers steelhead anglers an abundance of opportunities from the mighty lower Niagara River to Cattaraugus Creek, one of the premier streams in the state, to other smaller streams. These streams offer high quality lake-run steelhead fishing from November through April. The majority of the steelhead in these streams are the result of smolt stockings by DEC. There is some natural reproduction of steelhead that adds to the fishery, particularly in the Cattaraugus Creek system. Studies are ongoing to evaluate the contribution of these wild fish to the angler catch. Projects are being planned and implemented to increase the contribution of wild steelhead. For detailed information on steelhead management, migratory runs, fishing tackle and techniques see the Steelhead Fishing in Lake Erie Tributaries and Lake Ontario Tributaries pages.