Put the book down and eat your food. It didnt heart, and it completely matter, and it completely transformed my life, and thats the reason that were so passionate about getting our young people to read now and to value education. Because that is what will save your nation. Thank you. [applause] id like, were running out of time. [applause] id like to remind everybody to remain seated so that we can get dr. Carson to the homan lounge where hell be pleased to sign copies of his new book, and there are still Copies Available outside in the ballroom corridor. Id also like to thank National Press club staff including its Journalism Institute and Broadcast Center for organizing todays event. Also, if youd like to get a copy of todays program or get more information about the National Press club, please check out our web site at press. Org. Thank you all for being here today. Thank you again, dr. Carson. Were adjourned. [applause] [inaudible conversations] wed like to hear from you. Tweet us