It was a pleasant surprise for Shiv Mohan and Bhagwan, two oxygen tanker drivers, when a car driver saluted them on a road in Uttar Pradesh on May 9. While Shiv Mohan was driving the tanker, Bhagwan was sitting alongside him. They have been taking turns to keep the wheels running non-stop to carry the key medical aid to hospitals.
NEW DELHI: It was a pleasant surprise for Shiv Mohan and Bhagwan, two oxygen tanker drivers, when a car driver saluted them on a road in Uttar Pradesh on May 9. While Shiv Mohan was driving the tanker, Bhagwan was sitting alongside him. They have been taking turns to keep the wheels running non-stop to carry the key medical aid to hospitals.
Indian Railways has transported more than 302 tonnes of oxygen safely to Maharashtra, Uttar Pradesh, Delhi and Madhya Pradesh and an additional 154 tonnes is being moved, said Railways in a statemen