A Tennessee group including family of gun violence victims, doctors and Black clergy Wednesday called for lawmakers and the public to understand gun violence as a public health crisis and respond accordingly with robust research, community investment and evidence-based safety measures.
Tennessee Valley Authority calendar skips January, May 29 Follow Us
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SODDY-DAISY, Tenn. (AP) - New year, new (incorrect) calendar.
The Tennessee Valley Authority is sending out stickers to Soddy-Daisy residents who received 2021 calendars that inexplicably left out January 29 and May 29, the Chattanooga Time Free Press reported on Friday.
Helen Karl said in a social media post that she noticed the error while marking the birthdays and anniversaries of her children.
January lists two days as the 28th, both a Thursday, which is correct, and a Friday, which should be the 29th. In May, two days are marked as the 30th, a Saturday, which should be the 29th, and again Sunday, the correct day.