fox news @ night thrill seekers, when you try this? suspended 300 meters above ground come about 1,000 feet, a gravity defying bike ride at a theme park in china known for activities. started out singing and wound up screaming as they got further along. i would be doing a lot of prayers on that thing. not sure i would be brave enough to try it. tweet me, i would like to know if you would. a dramatic scene in alaska, a killer whale getting beached for about six hours. bystanders pouring water on the distressed creature until it was able to swim away. no word on how i got stuck but according to one source it may have actually been chasing prey. we are told it is fine now. and stunning images out in western california, a fast-moving fire turning massive smoke plumes into a smokenado, forcing thousands of people to have to evacuate.
disease starts it usually means it can t be stopped. it has been hours in the forest for both of teams. chasing prey that seems to vanish. we stop for a drink of water. then there s a rustle in the brush. a group of hunters approach. bonjour. bonjour. their packs loaded with wild game. therapy s at least three viruses that you know about wh are in there particular monkey. this seize, yeah. there are many, many more pathogens present in these animals. [ female announcer ] breathe right asks. [ woman ] could i ask you to strip on the street?
but every once in a while, it sticks. it s sticking more often. the national academy of sciences says 75% of the world s emerging diseases jump over from animals. the sars virus crossed from civet cats in asia to infect thousands and kill more than 700 people in more than 20 countries. avian flu jumped over from birds around 2003 and killed more than 200 people. the origins of many other zoanotic viruses are still unknown. ebola has killed hundreds over the past decade but its origins remain a mystery. if scientists don t know where a disease starts, it usually means it can t be stopped. it s been hours in the forest for both our teams. chasing prey that seems to vanish.
population. and most of the time, the ping just bounces back. but every once in a while, it sticks. reporter: it s sticking more often. the national academy of sciences says 75% of the world s emerging diseases jump over from animals. the sars virus crossed fromsivity cats in asia to affect thousands and kill more than 700 people in more than 20 countries. avian flu jumped over from birds around 2003 and killed more than 200 people. the origins of many others zoenottic viruss are still unknown. ebola has killed hundreds over the past decade, but its exact origins remain a mystery. if scientists don t know where a disease starts, it usually means it can t be stopped. it s been hours in the forest for both our teams. chasing prey that seems to