Divyenndu Sharma, better known as Divyenndu, who made his Bollywood debut as an actor with Pyaar Ka Punchnama and later went on to star in movies like Chashme Baddoor, Toilet Ek Prem Katha to name a few, and made his presence felt on the silver screen with goofy and relatable characters, enjoys strong domination in digital space for all the right reasons.
Noted Indian actress Taapsee Pannu recently revealed that in her initial days in the industry, she was told to work with big names, look and behave a certain way in order to reach the top. Taapsee featured in several Telugu and few Tamil films before she made her way to Bollywood. The actress said she made sure not to repeat her mistakes once she started featuring in Hindi
Taapsee Pannu recently opened up about how beauty standards are set in Bollywood and how she never matched them. The actress also revealed an incident from school that changed her mindset.