tell us about how it works. sure. it s a rare exception. basically what it does is it allows law enforcement to delay issuing a suspect his miranda rights for a limited period to enable law enforcement to get information that would be relevant to public safety. for example, in this case one of the things we want to ask this guy is: is there another attack that might be imminent? who are you working with? are you part of a larger network? questions aimed at making sure public safety is protected, making sure we get any information that is time sensitive right now before he lawyers up and doesn t want to talk with us anymore. alisyn: we know that is vitally important because apparently the suspect planted other pipe bombs or explosives, at least, along the chase route. so they somehow knew that when they were trying to get away they had even, you know, planted other things to try to hurt and inflict more harm. so this guy seems like exhibit a to use miranda