The amendment is an ideological attempt to keep to give School Districts more control but actually doesnt do that. It just creates more paperwork, more bureaucracy at the federal level like consultations and chances to dispute regulations, all of which many of which are already allowed in federal law but this would be a different subset to require that. Ive been here a long time and i cant think of any administration that gave both states and local School Districts more options, more flexibility, more ability to design the systems under which to work than the Obama Administration which there is 37 states whove undertaken race to the top which gave them great flexibility and theres 40 states that have undertaken waivers which gave them even more flexibility. And when you talk to the superintendents and when you talk to the governors in those states theyre delighted to have the flexibility, to design the systems they want to be able to design and to improve get better and to achievements
Six years after the local Board of Education turned him down, Rev. Boise Kimber took his quest to create an all-boys charter school to the state and…
/PRNewswire/ One year ago today, One City Schools announced that it was purchasing a 157,000 square foot facility from a national insurance company, WPS.