Close to two months after local actress Apple Chan announced that she is getting married, she has another piece of good news to share. In an Instagram Reel yesterday (May 1), the 35-year-old said that she is expecting her first child. "Watching everyone announce their 2024 pregnancy be likeā¦ I guess it's my turn!" she wrote, holding up a blue.
Stay in the know with a recap of our top stories today. 1. I no longer dare to order food via Facebook, says pregnant woman who fell for tingkat delivery scam twice A pregnant woman recently fell victim to not one but two scams when she tried to order tingkat meals. The 40-year-old woman, surnamed Lin, told Shin Min Daily.
Veteran Hong Kong actor Benz Hui's daughter Charmaine Hui, 26, married her Singaporean husband Shane Sim, 28, in a lavish wedding in Hong Kong last Saturday (Dec 16). The star-studded event was held at Happy Valley and attended by various celebrities, including popular Hong Kong actors Bowie Wu, Law Lan, Raymond Wong, Jessica Hsuan, Bobby Au-yeung, Emily Kwan, Joe Ma,.