Any of that at all whereas i tend to try to balance might Corporate Media with independent review will like democracy now and you hear all the time on democracy now about soldiers refusing to deploy. I just wondered if you saw any signs of that . Thanks. Thats a great question. The short answer somewhat tellingly is i think in my experience at fort hood and among the folks that i knew there, the short answer is basically no. I had one friend who is involved with a relatively oriented Veterans Advocacy Group and certainly there is in this country a really lively antiwar Veterans Movement made up of a bunch of different organizations doing work that is politically important for those folks and also personally important for a lot of them. One of the things that was really interesting and striking to me in my work was the conventional language that we use and the civilian public being prowar, being antiwar whether in principle in general or with regard to specific policy decisions. Those a
Black writers like Charles Chesnutt had to contend with a dilemma writers today know all too well: give the audience and editors what they want, or wallow in obscurity.