killed himself. a narcissist like that no way. judge jeanine: he owned everyone. right. judge jeanine: he owned everyone, why would he think he could not get away with this. he was going to now he was toaster. toast. he was toast different environment, he was done. he was tote. toast. i agree with charlie. what were guarding doing. judge jeanine: charlie and is a disagree. i agree with you. the whole thing is too suspicious. we ll be right back after the break, don t change the channel.
received hate mail and death threats. maybe her name is out there already. but the point that charlie makes, is that fact that there are 3 names, that judge is taking longer to assess whether or not they should be released. is that correct. the victim s names. we agree. other than that, there is really, public interest is strong, and it is we re ententitled to know, so long as you are not a victim, who was involved in epstein. bill clinton, there is no privacy interest. if they were involved it should come out, no different from years ago former governor of state of new york, new york time released the names of people involved. you are talking about spitzer. with number 9, n new york times said give us the names. they were released. okay. now, charlie,le les wexner.
out of the blue. and richard roth, how about you? other than stephen hawking, nothing, the reason that judge released this, she knew all of this information all of the people s names were already out there in public with regard to jeffrey epstein, including clinton and including former president, it just, she knew it was public information. rich, the court should never have had names sealed, to which the court has gone, to protect the names is irregular. there is no reason why, the information anything other than victims, should always be revealed. how does if bill clinton or donor bill richardson were at the compound or in boca with him, that is is not how is how is that why does he have an interested to protected. charlie, you interviewed
langston. who reported on this case, welcome to you. i am excited about getting your take on this. i ll start with you charlie. is it possible you could be on that island not be a pedophile. sure. i don t think so. charlie l langston. governor bill richardson, cameron diaz, leo dicaprio should not be in the same bucket and treated equallyy. the people named in the documents are not all pedophiles, they are not all people who met epstein, their names he bragged about, that the girls overheard, not the black book. anything about names so far that surprised you. two words stephen hawking. out of all of the names on the planet that i expected that one shocked me it was
documents that are expected to be unsealed. i am jury host judge jeanine pirro, allowed release of over 170 names connected to now deceased sex trafficker, pedophile jeffrey epstein, their i.d identity were protected in court papers. from u.s. politicians to foreign di dig nit aerowe can no confirm names. we ll take a dive into the revelations, i remember here is charlie gasperino who interviewed jeffrey epstein several times, and richard roth tried cases in front of judg presca and charlie