because we have two goals. taking back the senate so we can get some nominations and some confirmations. at this point even with a democratic president, if mitch mcconnell s majority leader, you ve got nothing. when they say, tim o brien, it s all about the judges, they re not kidding. it s what informs the smile that always seems to be on mitch mcconnell s face. well, i think it will be one of the single achievements of trump s first term in which he had very little to do will. this was a federalist society. don mcgahn, mitch mcconnell play. it s going to be one of the longest lasting impacts of the trump years. i think it shows the real differences between democrats and republicans. the federalist society started planning on this stuff in the mid 1980s. they laid the groundwork for this. they were methodical. they identified vacancies. they identified judges. they cultivated judges. the democrats are never good at this kind of a long ground game. harry, meanwhile, we watch the