charleston. these things should never happen. in the united states of america. in the charleston situation americans came together condemning the blatant hatred. but in kate s situation americans have not come together, at least so far. that s because of politics. there is no question the uber liberal sanctuary city policy of san francisco directly led to the murder of kate steinle. if the city leaders had had any shame which they don t they would have resigned already. it struck me yesterday when jesse watters confronted the 11 san francisco supervisors how emotionalless they are. and, of course, none of them have the courage to address the situation. mayor ed lee blaming the hapless sheriff who is so incompetent it s painful. imagine a law enforcement officer allowing a seven-time felon out on the street when the feds directly asked him to keep the man in custody? the sheriff is a disgrace. but even more disgraceful is the nonaction out of washington.