overnight. when students arrived for school today, charleston kids started getting sick, started reporting symptoms associated with the chemical. one student and one teacher were hospitalized. classes were cancelled today an the schools will be closed tomorrow as well. some local doctors in the charleston area are add advising that children under three years old should not drink the water at all. other physicians are advising specific patients to avoid the water completely, in a senate hearing yesterday, west virginia s secretary of state explained the kind of practical effect this is having on west virginia families. still. i have families telling me they are melting snow just to be able to give their children baths. to try to get a handle on this on going terrible situation in west virginia. a bunch of agencies returned to charleston today to meet with
when students arrived for school today, charleston kids started getting sick, started reporting symptoms associated with the chemical. one student and one teacher were hospitalized. classes were cancelled today an the schools will be closed tomorrow as well. some local doctors in the charleston area are add advising that children under three years old should not drink the water at all. other physicians are advising specific patients to avoid the water completely, in a senate hearing yesterday, west virginia s secretary of state explained the kind of practical effect this is having on west virginia families. still. i have families telling me they are melting snow just to be able to give their children baths. to try to get a handle on this on going terrible situation in west virginia. a bunch of agencies returned to charleston today to meet with
today, charleston kids started getting sick, started reporting symptoms associated with the chemical. one student and one teacher were hospitalized. classes were cancelled today an the schools will be closed tomorrow as well. some local doctors in the charleston area are add advising that children under three years old should not drink the water at all. other physicians are advising specific patients to avoid the water completely, in a senate hearing yesterday, west virginia s secretary of state explained the kind of practical effect this is having on west virginia families. still. i have families telling me they are melting snow just to be able to give their children baths. to try to get a handle on this on going terrible situation in west virginia. a bunch of agencies returned to charleston today to meet with state officials, after their meeting, the governor and various agency heads had a press conference where they claim everything is under control, we did everything, the water