In 2007, as director of the city of Charleston’s Civic Design Center, I was tasked to work with a group of planners, architects, landscape architects, and civil and environmental engineers
COVID-19 updates: South Carolina health officials reported 641 confirmed cases of the coronavirus, with 345 probable cases on Monday, with 7 additional confirmed deaths. With 22,454 tests reported Monday, 4.4% were positive. As of 1:41 p.m., April 5 via S.C. Department of Health and Environmental Control: Confirmed cases in S.C.: 467,750 (+641)Total positive cases in Charleston County: 40,971 […]
The College of Charleston School of the Arts has its first in-person live event in over a year coming up this weekend. The school is presenting Arts Under the Oaks, a two-day festival featuring opera, musical theater and dance showcases. Taking place live at CofC’s Stono Preserve (5297 Dixie Plantation Rd. in Meggett), the event […]