AAP PROSE Awards: The 2021 Category Winners
From biological science and ‘The Ethical Algorithm’ to legal studies and ‘Demagogue for President,’ the AAP PROSE category winners embrace 45 fields of study.
The apse mosaic of Sant’ Apollinare in Classe, Ravenna’s patron saint. Judith Herrin’s ‘Ravenna: Capital of Empire Crucible of Europe’ from Princeton University Press has won the 2021 European History category PROSE Award. Image – iStockphoto: Sergio Delle Vedove
Swann: ‘Exceptional Scholarship’
You’ll remember
Today (January 28), we have the winners in those 45 subject categories in this, the 45th year of the PROSE Awards’ operation. And that puts us halfway through the selection-announcement cycle of this long-running award program.