The origins of the Russiagate psyop unleashed on the American people can be traced back to a secret government program unearthed by this site's founder.
Joe Lauria: On CN Live! Wednesday night, as we were interviewing journalist Matt Taibbi of Twitter Files fame about the psychological aspects of R
To reverse America's declining image abroad, both public diplomacyand related international broadcasting agencies need a clear chainof command as well as adequate personnel and financial resources.
After the fall of the Berlin Wall, leaders in both the legislativeand executive branches essentially discarded public diplomacy as aCold War relic. Since 9/11, the situation has improved onlymarginally if at all. To restore America's voice, governmentleaders should draw on the nation's Cold War legacy to lay thefoundation for the next generation of public diplomacy.
U.S. peace and security depend on a stable neighborhood and moreprosperous neighbors, yet America's diplomatic engagement in LatinAmerica has swung between comprehensive and minimalist approaches.