Whats going on. Everyone in washington and at this point across the country is now trying to figure out who is behind this anonymous oped in the New York Times describing socalled resistance inside the trump administration. The president is reportedly furious, calling the source gutless and a product of the deep state. But the author says theyre not alone. Citing a group of senior white house officials and trump appointees working to, quote, frustrate parts of the president agenda as well as the worst inclinations. Another source says there are dozens and dozens of likeminded officials. The oped writer says the administration has had successes on issues like deregulation and tax reform but insist they have come despite the president s petty and ineffective leadership, not the cause of it. Quote, meetings with President Trump veer off topic and off the rails. He engages in repetitive rants and his impulsiveness results in half baked, ill informed and occasionally reckless decisions that