Charles (Charlie) Thomas Melton, Sr., 90 years young, of Norris City, clocked in at the Pearly Gates at midnight sharp on the morning of January 7th, 2022. He was on time and prepared for eternity, and his shift will never expire. Many friends, family members, and fellow Christians mourn his passing. Charles Melton tried to follow the credo, "Leave it a little better". He said when he left anything, he tried to leave it a little better than it was before he was there. After his long battle with diabetes and kidney disease, Charlie cleared out of this mortal life at Aperion Healthcare in Fairfield, Illinois. Charlie Melton Sr. was born and raised in Herald, Illinois. He went into the Air Force in 1949 and was trained as a radio mechanic. He spent the majority of his 4 year term in the Hurricane Hunters in Bermuda. Charlie worked as an electrician, and was an officer in the Boilermaker's Union. He worked at B and W, and helped build the power plant at Clinton, Illinois. Ch