million from his restaurant business prior to be elected in 2010. grimm made headlines last year where he threatened to throw a reporter off the balcony at the capitol hill steps. let s see what is happening on new day. we are following the latest on the ambush of the two police officers in new york. the embattled mayor is calling for protests to stop out of respect for the officers, but not everyone is following that request. can officials calm tension and restore trust? we will speak with the dean of the congressional delegation charles rangle. is this the response the president promised? is the u.s. behind that trouble? we will have the latest and how americans perceive the response to the sony attack. new day begins at the top of the hour. chris and i will see you.
in how it distributes it. exactly. rangel was right on the theology but wrong on getting it across. i want to see that. boy. on the same subject, 60 minutes doing a piece on me this coming sunday off the killing jesus book i have released. here is a clip. what do you think people will be surprised to learn about jesus? that he was a regular guy. very afraid, very afraid. what do you mean? scared to i didie. scared to be put on the cross. he got angry. he was a little violent. and that he was a man. ex plain how he was violent. well, when he went into the temple and overturned the money changers he was livid. he was personally insulted that the temple was being used as a place of commerce. not only that, they were
beginning parts of the book. the fact that he was human and god wanted him jesus to experience everything people experience, that s the lesson of the book. we try to contrast in the book the times that he lived in. that s why we do a lot of roman stuff, stuff about the san hedran, the jewish temple authorities and how they were just killing folks. rangel would have been outraged by what was happening in judea. in rome, i mean, they were just hammering the people. you point out and it strikes me in the beginning of the book we live in an increasingly brutal society as well. ooh. i look at newtown, the slaughter of innocents, the navy yard, the mall, in syria jesus s backyard. it made me think, boy i, you think, gee, the world was brutal then. we live in a brutal world now. we haven t come far in 2,000 years.
beginning parts of the book. the fact that he was human and god wanted him jesus to experience everything people experience, that s the lesson of the book. we try to contrast in the book the times that he lived in. that s why we do a lot of roman stuff, stuff about the san hedran, the jewish temple authorities and how they were just killing folks. rangel would have been outraged by what was happening in judea. in rome, i mean, they were just hammering the people. you point out and it strikes me in the beginning of the book we live in an increasingly brutal society as well. ooh. i look at newtown, the slaughter of innocents, the navy yard, the mall, in syria jesus s backyard. it made me think, boy i, you think, gee, the world was brutal then. we live in a brutal world now. we haven t come far in 2,000 years.
you are jersey, right? so i couldn t possibly see you. there was an epistle by the prophet aim must who said if you don t help the poor people you are not going to be in real good shape. he is he right there. he takes it, but rangel takes it and tries to defend an inefficient system, in i my opinion. the set-up for his response came from a discussion about whether or not what the gop was arguing on the floor of the house was moral or immoral. he was saying basically it was immoral based on that. when you look at the great society and you look at what the intention was of all of the programs it was to lift people out of poverty. yet 12% of people under the poverty line in 1968. now you have 15. by all accounts, that s it s not working. the american people are generous, but this is not necessarily the route to raising people out of poverty. in a talking points memo, the people paying the taxes to caesar are getting hurt because the government is so inefficient