and what you mention about the middle, the middle middle and the upper middle class is, they are being asked to subsidize anybody up to three times the poverty line. so that s the plan. this is a huge transfer of wealth that was always in the bill. it was never anything that couldn t have been seen. but the media and most analysts, and, of course, democrats were uninterested in looking at it at all. well, here is the thing. you know, it s supposed to help people, especially people who have been lacking in health insurance or under insured. but what the u.s. today story is somebody who is making a middle income, you know, an individual making $50,000 or so, a couple making $60,000, if they don t qualify for that subsidy, charles, their cost of insurance, their premium under the obamacare plan is going to be more than 8% of their income, which is what obamacare says is the base. you should pay no more than
huge. and what you mention about the middle, the middle middle and the upper middle class is, they are being asked to subsidize anybody up to three times the poverty line. so that s the plan. this is a huge transfer of wealth that was always in the bill. it was never anything that couldn t have been seen. but the media and most analysts, and, of course, democrats were uninterested in looking at it at all. well, here is the thing. you know, it s supposed to help people, especially people who have been lacking in health insurance or under insured. but what the u.s. today story is somebody who is making a middle income, you know, an individual making $50,000 or so, a couple making $60,000, if they don t qualify for that subsidy, charles, their cost of insurance, their premium under the obamacare plan is going to be more than 8% of their income, which is what obamacare says is the base. you should pay no more than
or a tax or can buy a very cheap catastrophic plan. this stuff is being tossed at the insurers at the last moment. they already are looking at a catastrophe of enrollment. hugely under enrolled and hugely weighted against the young and the healthy, the ones who are supposed to subsidize everybody else. they can see billions losses down the road. there is is only one way out of that, juan. that is a bailout. that s why the administration is somewhat serene and that s why the republicans have to get up right now and to pass a bill saying no bailout. at least in the house. all right, charles, we re going to come back to you in just a moment. and, also, after charles, jesse jackson weighs in on the duck dynasty phil robertson controversy as a&e runs a christmas marathon featuring the very star they supposedly suspended. right back with it. [ sniffles, coughs ] shhhh!
has passed but the senate has not dealt with he said that of course, about third, maybe more than a third of the bills passed by the house were all about repealing obamacare. he knew those were going nowhere. but he was he did it anyway at the behest, i think, of the tea party caucus. charles, do you think of the tea party caucus though is leading this congress to be despised by the american people? juan, at the behest of the tea party caucus, at the behest of the american people, who, in large numbers don t want obamacare, never wanted obamacare, it s never had a lead in public opinion. it s now about minus 16 points. but let s move beyond obama care. hold on. that s the definition of a responsive opposition. charles, we know you don t like obamacare but i m saying move beyond it the american people say we have other issues, jobs. create jobs. help this economy get going. don t shut down the government. that s what people are talking about. even republicans.
charles, republicans, more than 85% of republicans say they think this congress stinks. and what exactly has been the obama answer to jobs? the largest stimulus in galactic history which has resulted in the worst recovery. so this is all about obama? this is all about obama recommendation charles? yes. not about governing? it is about stopping an agenda that has been obviously and clearly wrong headed and a failure. in obamacare, in the stimulus, in the economy, in the recovery. that s why the opposition opposes it. i can t believe it because most often i think you speak for some people. but i think here you disagree with most americans. you seem to think congress is doing fine. i do. there we go. charles, thanks. happy holidays to you. up next, did you happen to catch duck dynasty yesterday? you had plenty of opportunity. a&e ran a christmas day marathon featuring the star they supposedly suspended